SC DHEC Announces New Isolation and Quarantine Guidelines

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Effective January 2, 2022, SC DHEC has issued new requirements that may reduce the length of time for Covid-19 isolations and quarantines. Spartanburg County School District Three is required to follow SC DHEC's directive on quarantines and isolations. Here is a quick summary. However, all DHEC requirements will apply:

  DHEC UPDATES Quarantine and Isolation updated jan 5 2022. Effective January 2, 2022 SC DHEC has issued new requirements that may reduce the length of time for covid-19 isolations and quarantines. Spartanburg County School District Three is required to follow SC DHECs directive on quarantines and isolations. Here is a quick summary. However, all DHEC requirements will apply: Student staff isolation: For students and staff who have tested positive and therefore must isolate the updated DHEC criteria for return is: Students and or staff who test positive must isolate for at least 5 days since symptoms started (return on day 6 at earliest) AND 24 hours since the last fever without using fever reducing medication AND symptoms have significantly improved (must have parent note confirming all criteria met). As required by DHEC students and staff who choose to return after day 5 must wear a mask for days 6-10. Student and staff quarantine: for students and staff who are considered a close contact of someone with covid 19 the updated DHEC criteria for return is: If unvaccinated: Must quarantine for 5 days, and may return o day 6 if covid-19 test is NEGATIVE (home test cannot be accepted) AND no symptoms reported. If an individual considered to be a close contact chooses not to be tested and has no symptoms they must quarantine through day 10. The test must be taken no earlier than day 5 and quarantine must continue through day 5 (return on day 6) As required by DHEC masks must be worn through day 10. If symptoms are reported the individual considered to be a close contact must quarantine through day 14. Students or staff who are not able to separate from a household member with covid must quarantine for at least 5 additional days after the infected person is no longer in isolation (a minimum of 10 days). The student or staff member may test on day 10 and return on day 11 if a covid test is NEGATIVE AND no symptoms reported. If Vaccinated: No quarantine required as long as symptom free. DHEC recommends test on day 5 even if symptom free. Must wear mask days 1-10 at school. Regardless of vaccination status, if they are a positive case or close contact, any student or staff who has had to quarantine or isolate must meet with the school nurse for a return to school screening. This can be done virtually, by phone, or face to face. All questions can be directed to the student’s principal or school nurse. For a link to the entire DHEC release please click here. (Link provided in image)

SPARTANBURG COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT THREE  DO | NEED TO QUARANTINE? A GUIDE TO STUDENT QUARANTINE SCENARIOS  UPDATED JANUARY 5, 2022  Per new guidelines from DHEC, District Three is legally obligated to follow the following guidelines:  SCENARIO FULLY VACCINATED* NOT VACCINATED  Isolate fora minimum of 5  days (longer if symptoms  persist). Mask use required days 6-10  Current COVID-19 positive test result from a laboratory or healthcare facility  Isolate for a minimum of 5 days (longer if symptoms persist). Mask use required days 6-10.  If no symptoms are present, quarantine for 10 If no symptoms are present, days (No testing required). or  no quarantine is required. CLOSE CONTACT ofa Mask use is required for 10 If no symptoms are present, quarantine for 5 COVID-19 positive individual days after exposure. days with proof of a viral negative test  ; collected no sooner than Day 4. Recommend testing on Day 5.  Mask use required days 6-10.  If no symptoms are present,  Household CLOSE no quarantine is required. Quarantine for infected individual's isolation CONTACT of a COVID-19 Me yo after okpbeu for 10 period PLUS additional days as directed by positive individual . SCDHEC and HCS.  Recommend testing on Day 5.  * FULLY-VACCINATED  Ages 16 and up who are 14 days after the last dose of the initial vaccine series are considered vaccinated; however, if 6 months have elapsed since receiving the 2nd dose of the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine, or 2 months have elapsed after receiving the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, a booster dose is required to avoid quarantine.  Ages 15 and younger are not eligible for boosters at this time and are considered vaccinated 14 days following the final dose of the 2-dose initial series.  A CLOSE CONTACT is considered to be someone who was within 3 to 6 feet of an infected individual for at least 15 cumulative minutes over a 24-hour period. Student athletic/activity groups which include any activities where forced expiration produces increased respiratory droplets in the surroundings, including shouting, singing, physical exertion, etc., are considered a close contact if they are less than 6 feet apart.  The close contact definition excludes students who were within 3 to 6 feet of an infected student (laboratory- confirmed or a clinically compatible illness) if the exposed student(s) wore mask(s) during the exposure time.  CLOSE CONTACT: Quarantine is not required for individuals who have tested positive (laboratory-confirmed) for COVID-19 in the last 90 days. Mask use Is required for 10 days after exposure.  HOUSEHOLD CLOSE CONTACT (NOT FULLY-VACCINATED): Begin quarantine when the infected person has completed their 5-day isolation and has no symptoms. After quarantining for 5 days, get tested and continue to  wear mask around others for 5 additional days.

To see the full DHEC release, please click here.