Explore Careers, Job Readiness, College Preparations and more

Allied Health Occupations for Young Adult Podcast

This podcast series provides practical information about allied health occupations to help job seekers and workforce staff in developing a career plan.

Career Coach

Scroll to the bottom of SCC homepage to log in to Career Coach. This service is provided by Spartanburg Community College.

Career OneStop

Your source for career exploration, training and jobs sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor

College Grad

This website allow you to search specific careers by click on various job titles to find out more about the job descriptions, salary statistics, education and training information and more.

Know your worth - Track Salaries

What are your salary expectations? Use this site to help you start your salary comparison by location, industry, benefits, and pay factors.

Major and Career Search

Browse the major and career profiles using the categories listed on this webpage. Use what you have learn to find the major and/or the career that best fits you.

Mapping Your Future

Great resource for assess your personal skills and interest, help developing an effective resume (with samples), developing a career plan and more

O*Net Online

Database includes information on skills, abilities, knowledges, work activities, and interests associated with occupations.

Occupational Outlook Handbook

Provided by the US Bureau of Labor Statistic - learn everything about occupation groups by states and counties.

SC Works

SC Workforce information and job search. "What's your next step?"


Study.com goals is to help students find fulfilling careers and choose the right educational pathway for their needs. This guide will provided you with the top 20 high demand jobs in tech, healthcare, green energy and more.