EOC Testing

The End-of-Course Examination Program (EOCEP) is a statewide assessment program of end-of-course tests for high school courses that teach the South Carolina (SC) standards for English 2, Algebra 1, Biology 1, and United States History and the Constitution. 

EOC Fall English 2 Writing


EOC Fall Biology 1


EOC English 2 Reading


EOC Fall US History


EOC Fall Algebra 1


 Important! Students enrolled in the above courses must complete the end-of-course assessment for that course.  Please do not schedule appointments on these day(s).

EOCEP Cell Phone Policy

As mandated by the SCDE Testing Policies, students may not be in possession of any electronic devices that may be used for communication, timing, creating images, or storing images.  These devices (cell phones, smart watches, etc.) will be collected by the test administrator and returned after testing is complete.

Click here for an important EOCEP Parent Letter

Brochure for Parents and High School Students

Folleto para padres y estudiantes de preparatoria