About Us
Amid the Cowpens Battlefield, the Pacolet River, and historic Glendale Shoals, Spartanburg School District Three is located in the eastern part of Spartanburg County, which is in the northwestern Piedmont section of South Carolina.
Our District is comprised of three elementary schools, one middle school, one high school, and one shared technology center with District Seven.
Our community prides itself on being small, but mighty. Being a smaller district allows our teachers and staff to have more one-on-one interaction with students. We provide individual graduation plans and give teachers the ability and tools to connect with each student and their needs.
When it's called upon, our district and our communities come together to help one another. Each year, our district provides Christmas presents to more than 700 students, our Board Chairman holds an annual school supply drive to help families in need, and our community knows no stranger when it comes to helping out their fellow neighbor.
Click here to read our mission for District Three, our purpose, values, and guiding principle.
2024-2025 Calendar
Administrative and staff support directory
Internet Safety/Computer Use Guide
Spartanburg School District Three Cognia System Accreditation Engagement Review
2022-26 District Strategic Plan
District Three's Historical Information
Non-Discrimination Statement
Spartanburg School District Three does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs or activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following person(s) has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies:
Deputy Superintendent for Personnel and Student Services, 3535 Clifton Glendale Road, Glendale, SC 29346,
(864) 279-6000, rgoode@spartanburg3.org.
Mailing Address
PO Box 267
Glendale, SC

Dr. Julie Fowler

James G Mack
Assistant Superintendent for Finance & Operations

Rodney S. Goode
Deputy Superintendent for Personnel and Student Services

Windy Hodge
Chief Academic Officer