Title I Overview
Title I Overview
Purpose of Title 1
The purpose of Title 1 is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education, and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on state academic achievement standards.
Title 1 is a federal program that provides financial assistance to eligible schools. The goal is to provide instructional services and activities to meet the needs of disadvantaged children identified most at risk of not meeting the state’s challenging performance standards.
Spartanburg School District Three uses a school-wide model, focusing resources toward the preschool and elementary programs. Title 1 goals emphasize parent involvement in schools as school staff and parents jointly strive for successful achievement of students.
Components of a School-Wide Program
Conduct a comprehensive needs assessment of entire school.
Provide opportunities through school-wide reform strategies for all children to meet the standards.
Provide instruction by a highly qualified staff.
Conduct activities to involve parents.
Provide transitional assistance from preschool to elementary, elementary to middle school, and from middle school to high school.
Provide frequent and continuous data to help staff make decision to assist students.
Ensure that students with learning difficulties receive additional assistance.
Conduct professional development through the year.
Parental Involvement
Parental involvement is an integral part of the Title 1 program. Parents are encouraged to become partners in helping their children achieve and to become actively involved in all aspects of the process of the Title 1 program, from the writing of the plan to its’ implementation and evaluations. A strong connection between home and the school is a key element in student success. Materials, strategies, and assistance from teachers are available to all parents within a Title 1 school. Opportunities for active parent participation include school open houses, PTO (Parent/Teacher Organization), parent/teacher conferences, parent workshops, and implementation of the school/parent compact. The federal legislation requires schools to utilize a portion of their Title 1 funds to support parent involvement. Parents should contact the school principal with any comments or suggestions regarding the school’s parent involvement expenditures.
You can become involved with your child’s education by:
Joining the school PTO
Attend parent/teacher conferences
Communication with your child’s teacher regularly
Supporting school extra-curricular activities
Volunteering at school
2023-2024 Parent Involvement Policy
Parent Involvement Policy and School-Parent Compact
Each Title 1 school receives input from parents for the development of a parent involvement policy and a school-parent compact. The parent involvement policy explains how the school plans to work with parents to review and improve parent programs and describes how parents can participate in planning these programs. The school-parent compact outlines how parents, the entire school staff, and students share the responsibility for improving student achievement and the way in which the school and parents build and develop a partnership to help children achieve South Carolina’s high academic standards.
South Carolina Parent Information and Resource Center (PIRC)
The South Caroline Parent Information and Resource Center is a statewide network aimed at improving the academic performance of students. PIRC goals include providing more parental options and for promoting school-family-community partnerships. PIRC services are accessible to all families with K-12 children. Contact the state office for services and/or click here for more information.
Description and Explanation of Curriculum Forms of Academic Assessment, and Expected Student Proficiency Levels
Spartanburg School District Three provides a high-quality curriculum based upon the South Carolina College and Career Ready Standards. This curriculum has been approved by the South Carolina Board of Education and adopted by Spartanburg School District Three. Textbooks used in the classrooms have been reviewed by a committee of teachers and adopted and endorsed by the State Department of Education. Specific educational programs in each school are targeted to meet the identified need of the children in the school.
Spartanburg School District 3 administers a variety of standardized assessments to its students in Title One Schools. The South Carolina College and Career READY Assessments (SC READY) measures student performance in Math and English Language Arts. The Palmetto Assessment of State Standards (PASS) measures student performance s in Science and Social Studies. Students in 4-year-old kindergarten are administered the Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening (PALS) and 5-year-old kindergarten students are administered Kindergarten Reading Assessment (KRA). Students in grades 2 through 5 are assessed by MAP (Measures of Academic Progress). This district-selected national assessment provides valuable diagnostic information to help meet the needs of all students. In addition, students take teacher-prepared and textbook assessments.
Based upon requirements of the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) legislation, all students are expected to meet high academic standards as reflected on national and state assessment measures.
Parents Right to Know
As a parent of a student enrolled in Spartanburg School District 3, you have the right to know the professional qualifications of the classroom teachers and instructional assistants who instruct your child. Federal law allows you to ask for the following information about your child’s classroom teachers and requires the school district to give you this information in a timely manner:
Whether the teacher is certified to teach the assigned subjects and/or grade levels.
Whether the teacher’s certificate is a waiver or substandard certificate.
The teacher’s academic major, graduate degrees, if any.
The teacher's certification area(s).
If you would like to receive this information, please call the principal or contact the Spartanburg School District 3 Personnel Office at 279-6000.
Title I Expenditures for 2023-2024
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) legislation includes provisions for all children to reach high academic standards. To help reach this goal, the activities listed below are included in the school’s Title I plan which was jointly developed by the school’s Title I Planning Team.
Four-Year-Old Program Support
Parenting Activities
Staff Development Training
Parent-School Activities/Workshops
Instructional Materials
Field Trips
Spartanburg School District Three continually monitors the implementation of the Title I plan and welcomes input from parents, school staff, and community members regarding current and future Title I plans. If you would like to participate on the Title I Planning Team, please contact the principal or district Title I Coordinator, Cindy Snead. For additional Title I information, including the current district and school Title I plans, refer to the district/school website at www.spartanburg3.org, contact the school principal, or contact Cindy Snead, the District Title I Coordinator (864-279-6004).
Click here for the Title 1 Newsletter
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Spartanburg School District Three does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs or activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies: Rodney Goode, Director of Personnel and Pupil Services, (864)279-6000, rgoode@spartanburg3.org.