Welcome to District Three!

District Three Family, Students, Parents, and Communities:
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year! Spartanburg School District Three looks forward to serving the students and families in our communities as we anticipate having another stellar year.
Having traveled the state while serving as the Deputy State Superintendent of College-and-Career Readiness at the SC Department of Education, I know firsthand what makes District Three special. We take pride in ensuring students' safety, providing a nurturing and developmentally appropriate early learning environment, ensuring our students meet the Profile of the SC Graduate by offering rigorous academic programs and career pathways that lead to opportunities aligned to workforce demands, and graduating college- and career- ready students who are ready to be contributing, productive citizens. This wouldn't be possible without our incredible teachers and support staff who pay it forward for students and families daily. There is a ‘special sauce’ in District Three and it is no secret; it is the people!
If you are already served by the District Three family, we are so glad you are here! If you are considering moving to District Three and want more information, please contact us. I would love to tell you why District Three is the best place to learn, the best place to work, and the best school district in the state!

Dr. Julie Fowler