Spartanburg county school district three 4k/5k registration! Join us by appointment  to register your student! 5 images of elementary students smiling at the camera.

We are so excited you're here! Let's talk about how 3K, 4K and 5K can enrich your children's lives and put them on an early path to success!

Registration for 3K, 4K and 5K:

Cowpens Elementary School

Please call 279-6300 to make an appointment.

Cannons Elementary School

Please call 279-6100 to make an appointment.

Pacolet Elementary School

Please call 279-6500 to make an appointment.

What you'll need to bring to the appointment:

  • Proof of residence with current address: 3 documents are required: Property tax receipt, rental/lease agreement, employer & insurance forms, tax prep forms, mail from state/fed programs (Snap/Food stamps/Medicaid, etc.)

  • Driver’s license or state photo ID with current D3 address

  • SC certificate of immunization 

  • Registered birth certificate

  • Social security card or number

Why 3K and 4K?

  • 3K and 4K provide learning opportunities to support social, emotional, and academic success for our students.

  • 3K and 4K provide opportunities to learn through play and social interactions.

  • 3K and 4K provide access to a structured and engaging curriculum that supports learners’ social, emotional, and academic success.

  • 3K and 4K provide students with engaging and highly qualified teachers passionate about teaching and learning.

We offer free, full-day prekindergarten for 3-year-olds and 4-year-olds. The program is voluntary, and space is limited.

Click here for even more information about our 4K program!

Haga clic aquí para obtener más información sobre nuestro programa 4K.

Your child must be 3 or 4 years old by September 1, 2024 to register for the next school year.

Meet Your 4K Teachers!

Let's talk about 5K!

  • While kindergarten is mandated by the state, it's still a very exciting time in your child's life as he or she continues to grow!

  • Kindergarten provides children with opportunities to learn strategies they will use throughout school.  These include social, emotional, problem-solving, and study skills.

  • Kindergarten helps children grow in their abilities to work, learn, and get along with others. These kinds of social and emotional learning skills will be used throughout their school years and into adulthood.

  • Kindergarten is a place where our highly qualified teachers provide fun and engaging activities for sparking and directing children’s natural curiosity and love of learning.

  • Kindergarten helps young children learn about (and from) the world, organize information, and solve real-world problems. 

Want to learn more? Click any of these links below!

Learning about District Three's 4K program

Folleto de 4K en español

Meet your 4K Teachers

Let's Get Ready for 5K!
¡Preparémonos para 5K!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)