Use the search field above to filter by staff name.
Jenny Summey
Media Specialist
Cowpens Elementary Staff
Jonathan Suthard
Gettys D. Broome High Staff
Aubrey Sutherland
Cowpens Elementary Staff
Kimberly Sutherland
ELA Teacher
Clifdale Middle Staff
Kevin Swaney
Network Engineer
District Staff
Traci Swaney
Accounts Payable - Accounting
District Staff
Tommy Swanger
Welding Technology Teacher
Daniel Morgan Technology Center Staff
864-279-6949 ext:149
Clint Swofford
Mechatronics Teacher
Daniel Morgan Technology Center Staff
Catherine Taylor
Third Grade Teacher
Cowpens Elementary Staff
Tracy Taylor
Clifdale Middle Staff
Danae Thao
First Grade Teacher Assistant
Cannons Elementary Staff
James Thompson
Media Technology Instructor
Daniel Morgan Technology Center Staff
Jamey Thompson
Media Technology Instuctor
Daniel Morgan Technology Center Staff
David Thornton
Information Technology Teacher
Daniel Morgan Technology Center Staff
Dylan Threadgill
PE Teacher/Coach
Clifdale Middle Staff
Cindy Tobias
5-year-old Kindergarten Assistant
Cannons Elementary Staff
Deanna Triplett
Math Teacher
Gettys D. Broome High Staff
Kandice Tucker
Math Teacher
Gettys D. Broome High Staff
Caitlyn Turner
Third Grade Teacher
Cannons Elementary Staff
Holly Turner
Special Education Teacher
Gettys D. Broome High Staff